As we step into a new year filled with opportunities, challenges, and hope, have you paused to reflect on where you stand spiritually? Sometimes, God asks us profound questions that are designed to provoke introspection and guide us to greater glory. These divine inquiries can redirect our focus, clarify our purpose, and spark transformation. Let’s explore three key questions God might be asking you today, inspired by Scripture. These questions can reshape your understanding of yourself and your journey with God.

1. Where Are You?
The first recorded question God asked humanity was directed at Adam: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9). It wasn’t because God didn’t know Adam’s location. Rather, He wanted Adam to reflect on his spiritual and relational position. This question challenges us to be honest about our current state and acknowledge whether we are aligned with God’s purpose for our lives.
Where are you in your spiritual life? Are you where God wants you to be, or have circumstances, traditions, or distractions led you astray? Understanding your current spiritual state is foundational to growth. When you acknowledge your position, whether strong or weak, God meets you there to bring wisdom, direction, and peace.
Questions to Ponder:
Are you growing in your relationship with God, or are you stagnant?
Are you spiritually mature, or are you still in the infant stages of faith, as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 3:1-2?
Have you embraced tradition over a genuine relationship with God?
Think about it: knowing where you are spiritually is like calling for roadside assistance. The first question they ask is, “Where are you?” Without this critical information, no progress can be made. Similarly, being honest with God about your current state is the first step to spiritual restoration and growth.
Life is full of seasons, and recognising the season you are in can provide clarity. Genesis 8:22 reminds us that life operates in cycles of seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, day and night. Are you in a season of preparation, waiting, or breakthrough? Knowing your season allows you to navigate life with greater wisdom and patience.

2. What Do You Want?
When two of John the Baptist’s disciples followed Jesus, He turned to them and asked, “What do you want?” (John 1:38). It’s a question that cuts to the heart of our desires and motivations. Many people don’t truly know what they want in life, leading them to imitate others or chase after fleeting goals. This lack of clarity can result in frustration and a sense of purposelessness.
Do you know what you truly want? Is it material success, recognition, or deeper intimacy with God? If you’re unsure, the disciples’ response offers a profound lesson: “Where are you staying?” Sometimes, the best answer is simply to seek God’s presence. In His presence, you will find clarity, purpose, and direction.
Questions to Ponder:
What drives you each day? Is it aligned with God’s will for your life?
Are you pursuing temporary achievements, or eternal significance?
If God asked you today, “What do you want?” how would you answer?
The disciples’ answer highlights a key truth: you may not always know exactly what you need, but staying close to Jesus will reveal it over time. Spending time in prayer, worship, and Scripture allows God to shape your desires and align them with His plan. Remember, chasing after things that don’t align with God’s will only leads to emptiness. True fulfillment comes from seeking His presence and purpose.
As you grow older, your priorities often shift. What seemed urgent and essential in your twenties may lose its importance later in life. Take time to evaluate your goals and desires through the lens of eternity. Ask yourself: Are my pursuits building God’s kingdom or simply satisfying temporary cravings?

3. What Is in Your Hand?
When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses doubted his own abilities. God’s response was simple: “What is in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). Moses only had a staff, an ordinary tool, but God used it to perform extraordinary miracles. This story reminds us that God often uses what we already have to accomplish His purposes.
God has placed unique gifts and resources in your hands. They may seem insignificant, but in God’s hands, they carry immense power. The challenge is to recognise these gifts and use them for His glory.
Questions to Ponder:
What skills, talents, or resources has God given you?
Are you using them to serve others and expand God’s kingdom?
Do you underestimate the value of what you have?
Like Moses, you might initially doubt your ability to make a difference. But remember, the rod didn’t gain power until Moses cast it down in obedience to God. When you surrender your gifts to Him, He multiplies them for His purposes.
Each one of us carries something valuable. It could be your voice, your ability to connect with others, or a skill that seems ordinary but can be extraordinary in God’s hands. Think of Richard Baxter, a pastor in 17th-century England, who transformed an entire town by using his God-given gifts to preach and disciple others. His commitment to God’s call resulted in nearly the entire community coming to faith.
Your gifts are not just for you. They are meant to bless others, advance God’s kingdom, and bring glory to His name. Don’t bury your talents out of fear or insecurity. Instead, offer them to God and watch Him do the miraculous.
Final Thoughts: Aligning with God’s Glory
As you reflect on these three questions—Where are you? What do you want? What is in your hand?—take time to seek God’s guidance and wisdom. Each question invites you to deeper self-awareness and a closer walk with God. This year, don’t settle for mediocrity in your spiritual life. Strive for greater intimacy, purpose, and impact.
Action Steps:
Spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal your current spiritual state.
Write down your desires and evaluate if they align with God’s will.
Identify your gifts and commit to using them for His glory.
Seek guidance from mentors or spiritual leaders to help you grow.
Take practical steps to align your daily actions with God’s plan.
When you align your life with God’s questions, you step into a season of greater glory, purpose, and transformation. Let this year be the one where you fully embrace God’s call and live out His plans for your life. Remember, God has equipped you with everything you need to succeed in the unique purpose He has for you. Trust Him, take action, and watch His glory unfold in your life.
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Have a great week and remain blessed.